Children's Hospital Colorado

ACL Injury Recovery and Rehab

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ACL surgery recovery and rehabilitation

After surgery, most athletes have one goal in mind: getting back to their sport. Though the recovery journey varies from athlete to athlete, our team is focused on helping them get back to their sport as safely as possible to avoid any additional injuries.

Our families discuss their recovery

Sports injuries affect more than muscles and bones, so it's important to heal both mind and body. Watch to learn what helped Caroline thrive along the way.

ACL surgery recovery resources

Sports psychology and recovery

Our Sports Medicine Center offers a full range of athlete injury-recovery services, from orthopedic surgery to evidence-based mental health treatment for overcoming symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Read how psychology impacts recovery

Timeline for ACL rehabilitation

ACL injury recovery is different for every athlete. You should follow your care team's recommendations for your rehabilitation. Here's a sample timeline and recovery process from our physical therapists (PTs).

Dr. Jay Albright, of the Sports Medicine Center at Children's Hospital Colorado.
"I want you back on the field as quickly as we can get you there, but a safe return is just as important as a fast one."
Dr. Jay Albright, pediatric orthopedic surgeon

Additional pediatric sports resources

Partnership with the University of Colorado School of Medicine

Children's Hospital Colorado partners with the University of Colorado School of Medicine, where many of our physicians and care providers serve as faculty.