Children's Hospital Colorado

Scoliosis Surgery Recovery

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The road to recovery

Recovery from any surgery can be challenging. Together with our families, we’ve put together tips and advice for what it takes to keep your spirits up during surgery and into recovery.

Our families discuss life after scoliosis surgery

Jessica and her parents share the ups and downs of her recovery process, including the things that helped along the way. They were amazed at what she could do just four weeks after her spinal fusion surgery.

  • Be competitive.

    Jessica was eager to break as many records as she could, whether it was getting up out of bed or walking around the hospital for the first time. She stayed focused on her goal of getting back to running track in the fall.

  • Find the fun.

    Jessica took advantage of the events and happenings around her at the hospital. Whether it was phoning into trivia in Seacrest Studios or heading down to the hospital atrium for crafts, these activities helped her stay entertained and distracted.

  • Stay encouraged.

    Jessica took advantage of the events and happenings around her at the hospital. Whether it was phoning into trivia in Seacrest Studios or heading down to the hospital atrium for crafts, these activities helped her stay entertained and distracted.

Teens talk: What to expect from scoliosis surgery

Teens typically have their own questions and concerns when it comes to scoliosis surgery. Here are a few of the most frequently asked.

Read a few of the most frequently asked questions

"It's definitely worth it because you'll have a much better quality of life."
Jessica, 16-year-old after spine surgery

Additional scoliosis resources

Partnership with the University of Colorado School of Medicine

Children's Hospital Colorado partners with the University of Colorado School of Medicine, where many of our physicians and care providers serve as faculty.