Children's Hospital Colorado
Michael Bozzella, DO
Michael Bozzella, DO

Michael Bozzella, DO

Provider's Specialties

  • Infectious Disease - Pediatric
  • Pediatrics

Patient ratings

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CHC - Colorado Springs - Infectious Disease

Insurance plans accepted

We participate with most major health insurance plans and national transplant networks.

Prepare for your visit

We want to make sure you know what to expect before you arrive.

My care philosophy

Infections can be scary. As an Infectious Diseases Physician I strive to help my patients, their families, and their care teams understand the many facets of the diagnostic and treatment process, and what to expect along the way. I think that through a better understanding of the process, we can all work more effectively as a team to help our patients find their way back to health.

Get to know Michael Bozzella, DO

Languages spoken

  • English

Experience and background

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Provider's location(s)

Meet other experts

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Anna Hying, NNP-BC


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Janassa Opichka, CRNA

Janassa Opichka, CRNA


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Kimberly Caruso, MD


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Marisa Taylor, LPC

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Shelby Brenan, MD

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Elizabeth Rausch, PA-C

Elizabeth Rausch, PA-C

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