Children's Hospital Colorado
Robert Kramer, MD
Robert Kramer, MD

Robert Kramer, MD

Provider's Specialties

  • Gastroenterology - Pediatric

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Digestive Health Institute

Insurance plans accepted

We participate with most major health insurance plans and national transplant networks.

Prepare for your visit

We want to make sure you know what to expect before you arrive.

My care philosophy

My treatment philosophy is centered on the premise that there is no better "specialist" for any given child than their parent. Listening closely to what parents are seeing and saying about their children's GI symptoms is the key to deciphering those symptoms to achieve successful diagnosis and treatment.

Get to know Robert Kramer, MD

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Renee Herrman, CPNP-PC

Renee Herrman, CPNP-PC

Certified Pediatric Nurse Practitioner

Patient ratings and reviews are not available Why?

Sarah Taylor, MD

Sarah Taylor, MD

Gastroenterology - Pediatric, Pediatric Transplant Hepatology

Dania Brigham, MD

Dania Brigham, MD

Gastroenterology - Pediatric, Pediatric Transplant Hepatology, Pediatrics

Jennifer Marable, PA-C

Jennifer Marable, PA-C

Physician Assistant

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Tolulope Falaiye, MD

Tolulope Falaiye, MD

Gastroenterology - Pediatric

Nichole Combest, PA-C

Nichole Combest, PA-C

Physician Assistant

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Christy Jones, PA-C

Christy Jones, PA-C

Physician Assistant

Robert Kramer, MD

Robert Kramer, MD

Gastroenterology - Pediatric