Children's Hospital Colorado
Shawn McCandless, MD
Shawn McCandless, MD

Shawn McCandless, MD

Provider's Specialties

  • Clinical Biochemical Genetics
  • Clinical Genetics and Genomics - General

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Genetics and Inherited Metabolic Diseases Program

Insurance plans accepted

We participate with most major health insurance plans and national transplant networks.

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We want to make sure you know what to expect before you arrive.

My care philosophy

Most of us know that our genetic make-up is fundamental to how our body works, but when faced with the possibility of a genetic related disease, the implications can feel very frightening, complex and intense. A knowledgeable and kind professional can be incredibly helpful at that time to understand complex risks and healthcare decisions. Our team takes a holistic approach to the needs of the individual and the family. At the same time, having an expert in rare diseases, someone who has heard of, and knows about, the condition you are facing, is helpful and important. We know that genetic conditions can be managed, treated, and outcomes can improve.

Get to know Shawn McCandless, MD

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Meet other experts

Johan Van Hove, MD

Johan Van Hove, MD

Clinical Biochemical Genetics, Clinical Genetics and Genomics - General

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Michael Verneris, MD

Michael Verneris, MD

Hematology/Oncology - Pediatric

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Kathryn Chatfield, MD

Kathryn Chatfield, MD

Clinical Genetics and Genomics - General, Cardiology - Pediatric, Pediatrics

Mindy Cohen, MD

Mindy Cohen, MD

Anesthesiology, Anesthesiology

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Jordan Abbott, MD

Jordan Abbott, MD

Allergy & Immunology

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Edwin Liu, MD

Edwin Liu, MD

Gastroenterology - Pediatric

Stephanie Nakano, MD

Stephanie Nakano, MD

Cardiology - Pediatric, Pediatrics

Robert Fuhlbrigge, MD

Robert Fuhlbrigge, MD

Rheumatology - Pediatric

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