Children's Hospital Colorado

TriXY Research Study

octubre 01, 2018
47,XXY, 47,XXX, or 47,XYY
1 to 5 years old

Purpose of the study

In this study we are hoping to identify early markers to know which children are at higher risk for behavior differences. With this knowledge we hope to understand risk and protective factors which will then allow us to provide better care for infants with XXX or XYY.

Research details

This study will last about one year and includes two in-person visits. At the visits:

  • We will ask you questions about the development of your child in person and with online questionnaires.
  • Your child will participate in some developmental tests where they will play with puzzles and blocks, and look at pictures.
  • We will assess your child's behavior while looking at pictures and videos while wearing stickers that measure their body's response.

At the completion of the study, you will receive a $25 gift card.

Contact us

For more information, please email us or call 720-722-1515.