Children's Hospital Colorado

Teen Suicide: Risk Factors, Screening and Prevention (S1:E24)

Suicide is the second leading cause of death for U.S. children, adolescents and young adults ages 5 to 24 years old. The nation's high school students make approximately 3,400 suicide attempts every day. This means that each year approximately 1 in every 15 high school students will attempt suicide.

These statistics are shocking and sobering, but there is hope. Four out of every five teenagers who attempt to take their lives will show clear warning signs. Since 83% of all teenage suicides were completed during a year when the teen saw their primary care provider, there is a massive opportunity for providers to screen for suicide and make sure these vulnerable kids are getting the support they desperately need.

Listen to a child psychology expert discuss suicide prevention in the PCP office

Joining us to discuss the serious topic of teen suicide is pediatric psychologist Jenna Glover, PhD, former Director of Clinical Psychology Training in the Pediatric Mental Health Institute at Children's Hospital Colorado.

In this episode, our expert shares:

  • Important warning signs that indicate an increased teen suicide risk, from biological to psychiatric factors.
  • Specific difficulties faced by LGBT youth in regard to teen suicide.
  • When to start screening children and adolescents for suicide.
  • Which mental health-related topics parents need to be educated about, plus how to speak with parents who are in denial about their child's mental health struggles.
  • Practical tips on suicide prevention that primary care providers can use in their offices.

Mental health and suicide prevention resources

Dr. Glover shares a number of helpful resources during today's podcast episode. We encourage listeners to review them to learn how to best help young patients who may be battling suicidal inclinations.

Providing high-quality mental health services for children and teens at Children's Colorado

The Pediatric Mental Health Institute at Children's Colorado offers mental health services to children, adolescents and their families. Our youth-focused interdisciplinary teams include psychiatrists, psychologists, clinical social workers, licensed professional counselors, nurses and others who specialize in addressing the unique needs of young patients. Refer a patient to Children's Colorado.

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