A toolkit for parents of children who are chronically ill
Having a child diagnosed with a chronic illness alters every aspect of a family’s life. Besides the procedures and medical appointments, the paperwork, the uncertainty, the disruption to work and school, there’s also the fact that your child is sick. That’s a hard thing to accept. Caring for a chronically ill child can feel stressful and time-consuming, and parenting decisions that used to be easy can suddenly feel very hard.
We at Children’s Hospital Colorado can help. Think of this “toolkit” as a guide or a reference for coping with the stresses of chronic illness, from navigating the medical system to juggling medical needs and school to managing daily routines. These pages also include many resources for finding extra help — online, in the community, and here at Children’s Colorado.
What is included in this toolkit?
Here you will find the following resources to help maximize your child’s health:
- Parenting a Child With a Chronic Illness
- Building Resilience in Families With Chronically Ill Children
- Transitioning Your Child From Pediatric to Adult Care
- Helping Your Child Cope With Medical Procedures
- Thoughts, Feelings and Behavior for a Chronically Ill Child
- Navigating the Medical System
- Managing Your Child’s Medical Illness at School
- Stress Management for Parents of a Child With a Chronic Illness
- Keeping Up With Your Child’s Medical Treatment
- Dealing With Medical Issues in Children by Ages and Stages
- Hoping for the Best, Preparing for the Worst
Family Resource Assistance
Our Family Resource Liaisons are master’s level clinicians who are available to help individuals and families navigate the mental healthcare system by providing contact information for mental health resources in your community.
Family Resource Liaisons are available by phone at 720-777-4978, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.