Children's Hospital Colorado
Mandy Dempsey, MD
Mandy Dempsey, MD

Mandy Dempsey, MD

Provider's Specialties

  • Pediatrics

Patient ratings

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Pediatric Primary Care

Insurance plans accepted

We participate with most major health insurance plans and national transplant networks.

Prepare for your visit

We want to make sure you know what to expect before you arrive.

My care philosophy

I believe that one of the most important aspects of being a good doctor is communication. I strive to always follow through on patients' questions and requests for more information, and to make sure that patients and any participating providers are all "in the loop" regarding the clinical plan.

Get to know Mandy Dempsey, MD

Departments and Programs

Conditions Treated

  • Children's Health
  • Infant and Toddler Health
  • Parenting
  • Pediatric Diseases and Conditions
  • Teen Health

Languages spoken

  • English

Experience and background

Faculty member of

Provider's location(s)

Meet other experts

Karen Kelminson, MD

Karen Kelminson, MD


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Krystal Palmer, CPNP-PC

Krystal Palmer, CPNP-PC

Certified Pediatric Nurse Practitioner

Hana Smith, MD

Hana Smith, MD


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Catherine Doernbrack, CPNP-PC

Catherine Doernbrack, CPNP-PC

Certified Pediatric Nurse Practitioner

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Ellen Roy Elias, MD

Ellen Roy Elias, MD

Clinical Biochemical Genetics, Neurodevelopmental Disabilities

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Jennifer Yamazaki, MD

Jennifer Yamazaki, MD


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Amanda Schaefer, CPNP-PC

Amanda Schaefer, CPNP-PC

Certified Pediatric Nurse Practitioner

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Kim Washington, CPNP-PC

Kim Washington, CPNP-PC

Certified Pediatric Nurse Practitioner

Patient ratings and reviews are not available Why?