Children's Hospital Colorado
Michael DiStefano, MD
Michael DiStefano, MD

Michael DiStefano, MD

Provider's Specialties

  • Emergency Medicine - Pediatric
  • Pediatrics

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CHC Colorado Springs

Insurance plans accepted

We participate with most major health insurance plans and national transplant networks.

Prepare for your visit

We want to make sure you know what to expect before you arrive.

My care philosophy

I am dedicated pediatrician who strives to provide the highest quality care to my patients and families. While the Emergency Department is inherently a stressful environment, I try to be a source of calm for my patients and families through shared medical decision making, frequent clear communication, and humble expertise. In my role as the Director of Clinical Operations, I have focused on improving health outcomes through efficient process design, decreasing provider variability and operationalizing evidence-based medicine.

Get to know Michael DiStefano, MD

Languages spoken

  • English

Experience and background

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Meet other experts

Nick Foreman, MD

Nick Foreman, MD

Hematology/Oncology - Pediatric

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Ashley Rogers, MD

Ashley Rogers, MD

Hematology/Oncology - Pediatric, Pediatrics

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Kim Pierce, CPNP-PC

Kim Pierce, CPNP-PC

Certified Pediatric Nurse Practitioner

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Michael Edwards, MD

Michael Edwards, MD

Hematology/Oncology - Pediatric, Pediatrics

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Jennifer Armstrong, MD

Jennifer Armstrong, MD

Neurology - Pediatric

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Geetha Bhagavatula, MD

Geetha Bhagavatula, MD

Gastroenterology - Pediatric, Pediatrics

Faye Brown, FNP-BC

Faye Brown, FNP-BC

Nurse Practitioner