Children's Hospital Colorado

Nutrition and Weight Management Resources for Families

At Children’s Hospital Colorado, we treat the big things, the small things and everything in between.

U.S. News & World Report honor roll badge

General nutrition tips and tools for healthy eating and living

Fun ways to be active

Nutrition tips for families

Quick and healthy breakfast recipes

You’ve likely heard breakfast is the most important meal of the day. That’s because eating a nutritious breakfast can help everyone concentrate better as they start the day — kids and adults alike. Here are two of our favorite breakfast recipes:

Banana berry smoothie

  • 8-ounce container nonfat or low-fat yogurt, plain or flavored
  • 1/2 cup fresh berries
  • Medium banana

Using a blender, blend all the ingredients until combined and serve immediately. This recipe serves one.

Egg in a nest

  • 1 egg
  • 1 slice whole-grain bread
  • Cooking spray

Crack the egg into a bowl and set aside. Use a cookie cutter to cut a shape out of the center of the bread. Coat the pan with cooking spray. On medium heat, fry the bread lightly on one side; flip over and reduce heat to low. Pour the egg into the cutout in the bread. Cover the pan and cook for 2 to 3 minutes until the egg has set. This recipe serves one.

Think about your drink

Water is calorie-free and keeps your body hydrated. Experts recommend drinking about 32 to 64 ounces a day. Parents should encourage their kids to carry water with them and keep refilling it throughout the day. Some kids just don’t like water, though, so if taste is an issue, here are ways to make water more exciting.

Drinks to avoid

  • Lemonade
  • Juice
  • Flavored milk
  • Sports drinks
  • Tea with sugar
  • Powdered drink mixes
  • Fruit punch
  • Soda

Top drinks for kids

  • Water
  • Milk (1% or skim)
  • Calorie-free flavored water
  • Sugar-free drink mixes

Recipe: Popsicles with calorie-free flavored water

  • An ice cube tray
  • Popsicle sticks (local craft store)
  • Calorie-free flavored water

Pour flavored water into a tray. Place in the freezer; freeze until slushy. Place popsicle sticks in the center. Freeze until it’s solid. Enjoy!

Lifestyle Medicine Program

The Lifestyle Medicine Program at Children's Colorado is our weight management program providing multidisciplinary treatment options for obese or overweight infants, toddlers, children and teens. Our team of experts helps families understand the best ways to make healthier choices, deciding together on goals like changes in eating, activities, sleep and behavior.