Children's Hospital Colorado

Sickle Cell Disease Management Clinical Pathway

The Sickle Cell Disease Management clinical pathway provides guidance on evaluation and treatment of patients presenting to the emergency department with complications of sickle cell disease. 

Sickle cell disease is inherited hemolytic anemia that affects about 30,000 children in U.S. Acute severe pain due to vaso-occlusive crisis is a common complication and requires emergent treatment. 

Pathway objectives:

  • Guidance on timely and effective initial pain control for patients presenting with vaso-occlusive crisis 
  • Recommendations on evaluation for other suspected and confirmed complications of sickle cell disease 

Sickle Cell Disease Management clinical pathway

About our Sickle Cell Disease Management clinical pathway

Sickle Cell Disease Management Pathway offers best practice recommendations for patients seen in the emergency department with acute complications of sickle cell disease. 

The pathway uses the best available evidence to offer a standardized approach for diagnosing and treating common complications such as pain and fever. 

Our multidisciplinary team of experts created it, including emergency medicine, hematology and pharmacy. 

Highlights include:

    • Pain control recommendations for mild, moderate and severe pain
    • Evaluation of complications of sickle cell disease
    • Fluid and antibiotic guidance 
    • Disposition and follow-up guidance