Children's Hospital Colorado
An audiology expert at Children's Hospital Colorado performs a hearing test on a young patient.
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At Children's Hospital Colorado, our expertly trained pediatric audiologists provide current and evidence-based care for your child's hearing and balance needs. We are a national leader in comprehensive family-centered care, helping families gain the technology, knowledge and skills to help your child achieve their full potential to access sound and optimize communication.

Audiology services available

At Children's Colorado, our pediatric audiologists evaluate the hearing and balance of children from birth to age 21. They also provide comprehensive interpretation of test results and recommendations to both inpatient and outpatient populations.

Comprehensive diagnostic evaluations

  • Behavioral audiologic testing (with one or two testers)
    • Visual reinforcement audiometry (VRA)
    • Conditioned play audiometry (CPA)
    • Standard hand-raise audiometry
  • Speech testing
    • Visual reinforcement infant speech discrimination (VRISD)
    • Word and sentence recognition testing
  • Immittance testing
    • Tympanometry
    • Acoustic reflex testing
  • Otoacoustic emissions (OAEs)
  • Auditory evoked potential (AEP) testing (under anesthesia or natural sleep)
    • Auditory brainstem response (ABR)
    • Auditory steady state response (ASSR)

Vestibular disorder testing

Vestibular (balance) disorder testing is available for most ages and developmental levels at the Anschutz Medical Campus in Aurora. Vestibular screens for children 2 years and older are available at the Telstar Campus in Colorado Springs.

Vestibular disorder tests include:

  • Videonystagmography (VNG) or electronystagmography (ENG) testing
  • Caloric testing
  • Rotational chair testing
  • Vestibular evoked myogenic potential (VEMP) testing
  • Video head impulse testing (vHIT)

Comprehensive amplification services

Our audiologists are experts in the selection, fitting and evaluation of:

  • Traditional hearing aids and earmolds
  • Bone conduction hearing devices (BCHDs)
  • Assistive listening devices

Families also have access to:

  • Newborn hearing screening
  • Cochlear implant services
  • Parent counseling, support and education
  • Family assistance in identifying appropriate community services

At a family's request, our audiologists are able to communicate frequently with early intervention providers and educational audiologists in an effort to provide a comprehensive continuum of care.

Specialty audiology clinics and programs

Our specialists contribute to a variety of multidisciplinary teams, specialty clinics and camps at Children's Colorado. Just some of these include:

Dori's Discovery Days Camp

Dori's Discovery Days is an annual weekend camp for children ages 7-11 years who are deaf or hard of hearing, as well as their parents or guardians, brothers and sisters. Parents will build new skills through educational sessions while the children participate in fun camp activities at the Easter Seals Camp facility in Empire, Colorado. Dori's Discovery Days includes lodging, meals, and all activities. A generous gift from Doris A. Segar makes this weekend camp available at little cost to families.

What to expect from your audiology visit

If your child is a new patient, your audiologist will complete a detailed case history with your help to determine your child's needs. Your audiologist will select the most age and developmentally appropriate test techniques to evaluate your child's hearing. Once the evaluation is complete, our goal is to provide you with results and recommendations before leaving your appointment. If additional appointments are necessary, they will be scheduled following your initial appointment.

If your child has known hearing loss and wears an amplification device, your audiologist will select the most age and developmentally appropriate test techniques to monitor your child's hearing with and without their hearing device. Your audiologist will also evaluate the benefit your child receives from their amplification device using specialized equipment and parent questionnaires. The settings and fit of your child's amplification device will be adjusted based on their needs. Appointments will be scheduled throughout the year as needed to meet the needs of your child and your family.

Why choose audiology services at Children's Colorado?

Our audiologists are pediatric experts who work closely with individual families, primary care providers and other professionals to ensure that each child's hearing and balance needs are evaluated. Each child's needs are addressed using best practice and current technology.

Contact us

You can contact our audiology team at 720-777-6801.